Media Kit
Overview: Peter Dixon is an experienced, lifelong servant-leader who will defend democracy, protect reproductive rights, and solve the public housing crisis.
Women over 50 need to see on broadcast and CTV that:
- Peter Dixon, a Democrat, is a combat veteran and a successful tech entrepreneur. He worked in Kenya where he helped found a hospital providing maternal care and HIV/AIDS treatment and later served in Hillary Clinton’s State Department where he fought violence against women around the globe.
- Dixon took an oath to defend the constitution and will stand up to Trump’s threats to
democracy and attempts to take away people’s rights, including a national abortion ban.
Peter has a strong case that he shares the values of primary voters and will fight to get things done. Voters see that Peter has:
- Dedication and perseverance
- Commitment to the Constitution and democracy
- Ingenuity and creativity in the service of helping the vulnerable
- A track record of finding ways to get things done in Congress as the only candidate with Federal Government experience
Updated 1/25/24